Pest Treatments

Pest Treatments

Pest management is an important part of plant parenthood. If you have plants it is likely that you will experience pests at some point. But don’t set your plants on fire, there are some great products that can help you save your plants!

How and when to use: It is not necessary to use insecticides and pest treatments until you encounter pests. Follow the instructions on the package for how to use the product.

Why we love them: We encourage plant parents to keep a few of these easy-to-employ pest management products on hand. And to be aware of what pest damage looks like.

Products we carry: Safer's End-All, Safer's 3-in-1, Wilson's Spider Out, Mosquito Dunks, Diatomaceous Earth, Sticky traps, Schultz Insecticidal Soap

Author: Mock Webware |

