• ZZ Plant: Zamioculcas zamiifolia


    Image by Lauren Kolyn Originates: Eastern Africa Not pet-safe The ZZ plant thrives on neglect. It will do well in any lighting except direct sun. It is probably the houseplant that will tolerate the lowest light of them all. And it is said that if you water it more than you pay your rent it is too much. The glossy green leaves grow like a ladder up the thick stems. And the roots form potato-like tubers that store water. When it is time to repot you can put the whole plant in a larger pot or split it to make multiple plants. Be on the…

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  • Monstera Deliciosa


    Originates: Southern Mexico to Central America Not pet-safe These beauties will really add a tropical vibe to any space. Their glossy leaves get classic splits and holes (fenestrations) and can reach diameters of over 2 feet! Standard green varieties are available in any plant store, but rarer varieties that have white or yellow variegation will be harder to find and will have a steep price tag. In the wild, Monsteras are epiphytic vines that grow up trees. With this in mind, consider adding a moss pole or trellis to your planter for it to climb. This will not only encourage it to mature…

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  • Peperomia


    Originates: Central and South America Pet-safe Peperomias come in all shapes and sizes but can easily be identified by their cord-like flower spike. They grow on the forest floor and only receive filtered sunlight. As such do best in bright-indirect light to medium-low light. They prefer to dry out between waterings. A tip to make sure you never overwater it is to gently squeeze the sides of the leaves before watering. If the leaves are still stiff, don't water it yet. Peperomias can be propagated by splitting the plant or by leaf propagation. Stick a healthy leaf into damp soil and soon a…

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  • Snake Plant: Formerly Sansevieria But Recently Reclassified As Dracaena


    Image by Lauren Kolyn Originates: Western Africa Not pet-safe. Reliable and low-maintenance, it is the ideal starter plant. It will thrive in medium to low light settings and only needs water once a month. This means they can go in a corner where other plants would not be able to survive. Snake plants come in a variety of colours from yellows, mint greens, coppers, greys, to a green so dark it's almost black! Some grow to chest-height while other dwarf varieties that stay very compact. Snake plants form colonies by sending up new plants from their tuberous roots. The growth of these roots can force…

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  • Fiddle Leaf Fig: Ficus Lyrata


    Originates: western Africa Not pet-safe This beautiful tree will surely make a statement in your home. However sometimes that statement will be that your house is too dry. These trees have been the darling of houseplant trends in recent years despite their fussy behavior. They are quick to drop leaves in protest if their demands are not being met. But it can be a very rewarding plant if you can tick off all its boxes. They need bright-indirect light and water when the top 2" of soil are dry. They love humidity so keep it away from heat vents, AC returns, and cold…

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  • Golden Pothos: Epiprenum Aureum


    Image by  @verdeshots Originates: The Society Islands of French Polynesia but now naturalized across every tropical environment. Considered to be an invasive species. Not pet-safe Could there be a more recognizable houseplant than the golden pothos? This vining beauty has been a staple for decades. Its yellow and green variegated leaves look beautiful trailing down from a hanging pot or trained up a trellis. Pothos are indestructible and will grow in any lighting except direct sun. Water it when the top 2" of water are dry to the touch. Propagates easily by stem cuttings. When your plant gets too long just give it a haircut…

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  • Calathea (Recently Reclassified As Goeppertia)


    Image by @mesplantes Originates: in Central and South America These gorgeous plants are part of the Marantaceae family which includes prayer plants. They get their name from their habit of putting their leaves directly upright at night like hands in prayer. There are dozens of different types of calatheas available in cultivation and they all take the same care. They need high humidity and soil that stays evenly moist like a wrung-out sponge. They prefer distilled water or rain water as the minerals in tap water can give them crispy tips. If you use tap water, be sure to leave it out for…

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  • Spider Plant: Chlorophytum Comosum


    Image by Lauren Kolyn Originates: tropical and southern Africa Pet-safe A classic houseplant! With its long green and white striped ribbon leaves and many baby plantlets at the end of long stems (stolons) and delicate white flowers It has been a hanging basket favourite for decades. Featured in The NASA Clean Air Study as a plant that can reduce indoor air pollution. They thrive in bright-indirect to medium-low lighting. Water them when the top 2" of soil are dry to the touch. Easy to propagate by placing the babies in water. Pot into soil when you see 2" of roots.

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