• Spring Plant Care: What You Need To Know This Season

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    As the weather gets warmer and the daylight hours stretch a little longer, we’re often told that there are things we need to do this time of year to ensure our plants’ optimal health. Some of it applies but there are still some things to keep in mind when looking at changing up our plant care routine for the spring and summer. Longer days can often translate into plants requiring more frequent watering. But what are the things that do not necessarily apply? Let’s have a look at these long held myths.

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  • Advanced Plant Care: Understanding Soil Health

    Image by @mon.cotyledon We often think that plant health is synonymous with how much water, light, and fertilizer we provide to our plants. We understand that plants have different soil requirements and some are happy growing in moss, leca, and even water. But for plants that commonly grow in soil, what does it mean to encourage and promote soil health? We’ve learned it can make a huge difference in your plants’ vitality and overall well being. Soil as a topic can be a little bland, but trust that it matters.  We'll keep it brief and informative! Understanding Soil Structure Indoor plants need a growing medium with adequate moisture…

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  • What You Need To Know About Fertilizer


    We liken fertilizer to that supplement or multivitamin you take and realize how much better you feel. You have a bit more vitality and energy to go about your day. Sure, you may have been fine without it, but the goal is to be better than fine, isn’t it? Houseplants are the same way; if you provide them with suitable light and water, they’ll likely survive, but most won’t thrive without a little extra help.

    So what do we need to understand about fertilizer? There are so many different kinds and when you read the instructions, it may be a little intimidating. We’re here to break it down for you.

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