• Stake Your Vines: Why Supporting Your Plants Help Them Grow


    Many of our favourite houseplants are actually vines. They look great trailing but will really flourish if allowed to climb. Many of them develop larger leaves and get classic fenestrations as they mature. Which plants benefit? Monsteras, Pothos, Rhaphidophoras, Philodendrons, Hoyas, Syngoniums. In nature they would climb trees. Adding a pole gives your plant the support structure to climb and mature. It can also rein in your plant's sprawling wingspan, allowing you to direct its growth upwards in a column.

    There are a great many options available and each come with their own pros and cons.

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  • A Refresher: How To Water Your Plants


    Watering our plants is an essential part of plant parenthood. But sometimes we're in over our heads on the right way to for it. When, how much, and how much is too much are the main questions we often hear.

    Well, the answer is the same for all of these questions: it depends. Some plants like to have their soil evenly moist like a wrung-out sponge. Others prefer to dry out a little between waterings. And there are some plants that want water only once a month or a few times a year. We're looking at you, lithops!

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  • PLANT TALK: Plants for Beginners

    Plant Talk Plants For Beginners

    Are you plant-curious? Do you think you may be ready to become a plant parent? If you are looking to make your home a little greener, but have no idea where to begin, we have three plants for you to consider! These are typically the plants that we suggest because they are easy to care for, low maintenance, and pretty understanding of different lighting conditions. Let’s go!

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